
Looking for a job?

If you’re seeking a job, Manpower of Myrtle Beach can help you discover various industry opportunities.

Are you an employer?

We empower you to discover exceptional candidates ready to work. Let us help take the hassle out of staff management so you can focus on the company’s growth and success.

Finding a Job

Let's work together
to make your career

One on One Hiring

We work with you to find the right position and help you while hired.

Strong Reputation

We've been helping others find work in Myrtle Beach for over 50 years.

Better Payment

We work with companies to ensure you get paid fairly from the start and on time.

Jobs Available

Latest Job Listings

About Us

Who We Are

Manpower of Myrtle Beach is a local company in the Myrtle Beach area that helps businesses find the right people to work for them. We are experts at connecting businesses with talented individuals who can do the job well. We have much experience in providing various workforce solutions to meet the needs of different companies and job seekers.

Our Clients

Partner with Manpower

We’re here to help our partners grow by supporting them throughout the hiring and employment process. We understand that finding the right people is vital for their success.

Years of Experience